For many, the sea is a source of inspiration. Whether it comes from a walk to the coast or having a look through old postcards and holiday snaps, you can easily create your own paintings. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create a captivating seascape from scratch using a simple palette.
Colours (Winsor & Newton Galeria Acrylic Paints):
Surface: Acrylic Paper
Brush: Galeria Acrylic Short Handle Round Brush – Size 8
Lay your colours in a row around the edge of your palette.
Mix blue and yellow to make green, then mix red and yellow to make orange, and mix red and blue to make violet.
You will need a grey and this can be created by adding a little yellow to your violet and mixing in some white.
1. Use Cerulean Blue to create a curved shape. Don’t dilute the paint - use it neat and just wet the brush to loosen it. The great thing about acrylic is you can simply paint over any unwanted areas.
2. Using Cadmium Yellow, paint a crescent around the blue.
3. Use lots of short marks to create texture in green, mixing your Ultramarine Blue and Cadmium Yellow to fill in the lower part of your paper. Add some Cerulean Blue into the green area to vary the shades of green.
4. Use Cerulean Blue mixed with Titanium White to paint the sky by creating strokes across the paper.
5. Add more Cerulean Blue to the top to make it slightly darker and blend it in to your pale blue area.
6. Now make a violet by mixing Perm Aliz Crimson and Ultramarine together. Add a little Lemon Yellow to a little Titanium White to make a grey mixture. Using your grey mixture with a small amount of white, create a mountain range. Add a little more Titanium White for mountains in the background.
7. Add some orange mixed from Cadmium Red and Cadmium Yellow for the earthy areas in the green and the darker areas in the beach then add some Raw Umber for darker marks and tones.
8. Add some Titanium White in the sea and more in the sky and mountains if needed.
Step back and marvel at the beautiful seascape you’ve created on your once blank canvas. This will be a wonderful piece to proudly display anywhere around your home, offering a tranquil escape from your every day while showing off your artistic skills.
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