Where to Place Your Pet's Housing | The Range
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Where to Place Your Pet’s Housing

Getting enough rest is super important to us as humans, and it’s no different with our pets! We can all get a bit grumpy, or even unwell if we don’t get enough sleep, so making sure your beloved companion’s bed or house is in the right place will make sure they’re at their best.


You may not realise the importance of where to place your fish tank, but there are a number of factors to consider. Firstly, keep your aquarium away from direct sunlight or windows in order to prevent algae growth. Shy away from areas of high noise, slamming doors and so on, as these sounds can shock fish, sometimes leading to an early death.

Next, consider accessibility for the tank. You’ll need to keep it somewhere you can easily access for your regular water changes in order to keep the tank clean. Don’t forget, you’ll also need it near electrical sockets for the light and filter. And lastly, keep it somewhere visible, so you can enjoy seeing your fish!


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Cats usually select their own favourite snoozing spot – often somewhere warm or mildly inconvenient! It can be challenging to get them to sleep somewhere else, and they may not always use their bed, but it’s good for them to have a safe space to retreat to should they feel like a cat nap.

Find somewhere they won’t be disturbed too much, but not completely isolated, and somewhere without any draughts. Your kitty won’t be very forgiving if you place them somewhere noisy and cold!

Somewhere that gets a bit of sunlight or near a heater is sure to be a win. Some cats prefer a more enclosed space, so a cat igloo is a great idea, or if they prefer somewhere high up to rest, a cat tower is a great option.


Dogs are often the heart of the family, and love to know what’s going on at all times! Keep their bed somewhere in earshot of the family but where they won’t be overly disturbed – somewhere like the corner of the living room is ideal.

Dogs, like most animals, like to feel safe and secure whilst they sleep. By placing their bed in a corner, they’re ‘protected’ on two sides, allowing them to relax more easily.

Your pooch might have a favourite place they like to settle, so try and follow their lead where possible. It might not be entirely practical, but finding somewhere near their favourite sleeping spot will make them more likely to use their bed.


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Small Animals

The position of the hutch or cage will of course depend on which small animal you have. As a generalisation, it’s best to keep your pet out of direct sunlight and away from draughts or breezes. There’s usually an ideal temperature range to keep your fluffy friend in, so check what this is beforehand to ensure the best care for your pet.

Keep them somewhere family pass through often, so they get the attention they require. It’s worth remembering that hamsters are nocturnal though, so keep them away from bedrooms!

Lastly, ensure that your pet has plenty of space to exercise, providing them with another pen if possible. Check out our article on How to House Your Rabbit or Guinea Pig for more information.

Now you’ve found the perfect place for your pet to sleep, be sure to stock up on all their favourite toys and snacks from our Pets department.

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