Essential Gardening Tips for June | The Range
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June Flower Garden

Essential Gardening Tips for June

The mad spring season of massive growth is past and canny gardeners can, to a certain extent, sit back and enjoy the view come June – wisteria, roses, and lupins should all be in full and glorious bloom right now. That said, you still need to tend to your plants, give them a good mid-season fertiliser boost, and harvest your veg and fruit crops. June also marks the start of peak pest season, and you’ll find you are not the only ones enjoying your garden’s abundance! June 21st is the longest day of the year, so celebrate in the sunshine of the great outdoors.


Your garden needs much watering in the summer, especially if the temperatures soar. Save water and avoid scorching your plants by watering in the mornings and evenings only, and if drought conditions begin, be water-wise. If you haven’t got water butts, install them now and make the most of what rain we get through the summer.

Garden Sprinkler on Grass

Weeds & Pests

As much as the sun helps flowers and crops grow, it also promotes weed growth. Hoe regularly and mulch if required. Look closely at leaves (both sides) for eggs and larvae, and keep a close eye on aphid numbers.

Lawns, Trees & Shrubs

Mow once a week or so, depending on rain. The key in summer is to mow little and often, but if you can, keep an area unmowed for wildlife and wildflowers. If composting, distribute the grass cuttings as too heavy a layer of grass can’t breathe and won’t compost. If the weather becomes very dry, leave the grass a little longer to protect your lawn from scorching. Prune spring flowering shrubs (camellias, azaleas, rhododendrons, etc.) and cut back wisteria, if you have it, once the flowering has finished. Prune magnolias in full leaf, and clip back your hedges to keep them in shape.


Deadhead all flowers to encourage further growth and stake tall blooms as they grow. Give plants in pots liquid feed every couple of weeks. Pinch out shoots to encourage bushy plants, and pinch out a few buds to promote bigger blooms on the remaining ones.

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Fruit & Veg

In the grow your own section of the garden, you’ll want to pinch out all side shoots on tomatoes to give as much nourishment to the fruit. In general, you better prepare for the June drop of strawberries and salad leaves, but you will need to cover your berries with netting, so you will get to eat them more than the birds. Potato crops should be coming thick and fast, too, and if you’ve planted pak choi, it’s the peak season for this as well.


Give your houseplants a summer holiday and put them outside – in not too hot a sun trap though, and keep them well watered.


You will need to shade the greenhouse to prevent scorching inside if June does indeed mark the start of summer.


Want to see some top tips on caring for your garden throughout the rest of the year? We have some Essential Gardening Tips for April, May, and February. Once you know what you're doing, look through our Gardens Department to pick up all the gear you need to keep your garden looking lovely.

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