Tips for Decorating With Mirrors & Lighting | The Range
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Tips for Decorating With Mirrors & Lighting

Light can make a whole world of difference to how your home looks and feels! You can work magic by decorating with light as part of your interior design.


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Tips on Decorating with Mirrors

Mirrors will always make a statement simply because they reflect the light and draw attention.

Place mirrors near light sources or directly opposite to bounce the light. Mirrors in dark corners will open up the space. A pair of matching mirrors on either side of a fireplace adds width to the room and brings light to alcoves in a perfectly balanced way! Consider placing a mirror opposite a window with views over your garden to create the illusion of windows indoors and bring the outside space in. Long rectangular mirrors hung vertically can add height to a room. Hung horizontally, they add width. It’s all about playing with perspectives and adding light and reflection where it’s currently lacking.

Match your mirror style to the overall style in your home interior scheme for consistency, or deliberately add opposites to create a more dynamic space. Round mirrors can feel more organic and flowing, while squared shapes can help organize and create straight lines.

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Tips on Decorating with Lamps

Choosing the right lighting help create the perfect atmosphere for different occasions. 

Whether you're updating your room or you've just moved into somewhere new, there are a few things you should consider before choosing your lighting. It might be that you only need one set of lights if the room is already quite well lit, but if you're using it in the evenings and not much light gets in then you'll want more lamps, ceiling lights, or dining room wall lights.

You should also consider what requirements you have for the space. For example, is it primarily for weeknight family dinners? If so, you probably want some bright overhead lighting that's easy to switch on and off. If it’s a home office, then a lamp might be useful as well. If it’s for a communal living space used for socialising, you might want some more subdued lighting to create an inviting atmosphere.

The simplest way to light a room is from above with a ceiling light. But there are lots of different styles and designs, whether you want something that blends in or a statement piece that draws attention.

Chandeliers are a great way to add a touch of luxury to your dining room. A simple pendant ceiling light can be the ideal finishing touch for a more laidback or minimalist interior. Pendant ceiling lights are also a really good way to add something eye-catching - you could go for a statement pendant that provides plenty of light but also creates shapes and shadows.

If you've got a smaller room, lighting is an important way to open it up. You can add in a standing light to brighten up a particular corner of the room. Adding a lamp to a desk, side table or console works, too. You can also use lighting to create ‘zoning’ within an open-plan room. Softer diffuse lamps for relaxed living space, direct overhead lighting for dining areas and angle-poise lamps for study desk areas. This will help create a sense of place and order within a multi-purpose area.