Feng Shui - An Introduction | The Range
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Feng Shui House Plant

Feng Shui - An Introduction

Feng shui (wind-water) is a Chinese pseudoscience believed to use energy (Chi) to harmonise people with their surroundings. According to this ancient art, invisible forces bind us to the universe and earth, which can influence our fortune in different aspects of life. This basic introduction will help you bring some Feng shui principles into your home and channel the energy around you.

Clear clutter

When applying Feng shui to your home, clear any clutter as it drains vital energy and prevents chi from flowing smoothly. To help you thrive, you should balance Yin (dim, dark, soft, quiet, and still) and Yang (light, bright, open, busy, animated). Large amounts of clutter will tip your home dramatically towards Yin, which could cause lethargy and depression.


Sharp corners

Sharp corners and objects are believed to channel negative energy linked to bad health and ill fortune. Smooth-flowing décor such as cylindrical hurricanes, round vases and swirling sculptures will counter any unavoidable angles and help you to feel inspired, productive, and powerful.


Feng Shui Living Room Tips

Arranging furniture

It is important to remember when arranging your furniture that chi can only flow where you can, so large or bulky furniture items that block sections of a room will create a negative space. It’s recommended that headboards are positioned against a solid wall with a view of the door, allowing you to feel safer and promote healthy sleep.

When you have familiarised yourself with the basics of Feng shui, you can delve deeper into Bagua (eight areas) maps which combine orientation and elements to yield positive energy results.

feng shui introduction mirror

Light and air

A healthy amount of natural light is vital to balance Yin & Yang. Consider whether curtains or blinds are the best choice for each room, and frequently open your windows to let fresh air in. Mirrors will help you to bounce light around your home and should be placed strategically to offer views of the door when your back is to it. Invest in other lighting solutions to counter the Yin if natural light is scarce.


Brightly coloured blankets and cushions in yang spaces, like the living room or study, will help you feel energised and productive. On the other hand, soft-toned rugs in yin spaces, like the bedroom, will create a cosy and soothing environment. Similarly, colourful artwork will add a lively touch to keep your mind thriving.


The five elements considered in Feng shui are wood, water, earth, fire, and metal. Placing these elements around your home according to the yin-yang principles will enhance creativity, emphasise growth, and positively affect different areas of your life. Consider using indoor water fountains and candles to create a serene, relaxing, inspiring environment.

Whilst Feng shui is based more on theory than fact, it all comes back to the belief that if the energy within your home is happy and healthy, you will inevitably become healthy and happy too.

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