How to Install a New Shower | The Range
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How to Install a New Shower

An old and battered shower can really affect your day; whether you just need that quick pressure spritz in the morning to wake you up for work or a long, massaging soak in the evening to relax, a shower that’s had its time just can’t give you what you need. If you think you need a new shower, but don’t know where to start, then we’re here to tell you that installing a new shower is actually much easier than you think!

shower installation eci

Electric Shower

Electric showers use a heating element, similar to what you’d get in a kettle, to heat cold water as it passes through the shower box.

  • Flush water through the pipes to drain them of debris and grime. Then turn off the water and make sure the entire area is completely dry.

  • Drill holes for the water and electric cable, if you do not already have holes from a previous electric shower. 

  • Place the shower box over where you plan to install it and mark the fixing holes with a pencil.

  • Feed the water and electrical pipes through the back panel and then screw on the panel.

  • Connect the inlet pipe to the shower unit using a pipe wrench to tighten the compression fitting.

  • Connect the live and neutral cores to the terminal load, and the earth core to the earth terminal. If you're not skilled with electrics, you'll want to call an electrician in at this stage, as working with wires around waterpipes can come with risks. 

  • Fit the shower cover and ensure that the rubber seal is lined up correctly, otherwise, you’ll risk water leaking into your shower box.

  • Fit the rail, ensuring it is no less than 25mm from the spillover level, again to stop the risk of water leakage.

  • Screw one end of the hose to the showerhead and the other into the shower unit.

Install Shower Wrap

Valve and Rail Mixer Showers

The second most common kind of shower is a Valve and Rail Mixer Shower - ideal for keeping the traditional feeling without compromising on modern comforts and technology.

  • First, flush out and drain the pipes, and then turn off the water.

  • Use a pipe slice to cut your pipes down to the correct size for your shower tap. You can find this in your manufacturer’s manual.

  • Mark holes for the wallplates and attach them to the wall using a tile drill bit to protect your bathroom’s ceramic tiles.

  • Seal off the plates.

  • Slide the olives over the pipes and screw on using a fixing bridge spanner.

  • Screw on the pipe collars.

  • Attach the mixer bar and seal around the edges.

  • Attach the riser rail, ensuring it is no less than 25mm from the spillover level to avoid the risk of water leakage.

  • Attach the shower hose to the mixer bar and the showerhead.


To make things a whole lot quicker, easier, and cheaper for yourself, consider picking up a complete shower fitting set. They'll include all the necessary components, as well as specific instructions for that model's installation.

If you're looking to revamp your whole bathroom so you can wash and relax in true style, check out our guides on refitting taps, bathroom lighting zones, as well as the breakdown on what you'll need to know before getting started.

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