Make The Most Of Cyber Monday | The Range
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Make The Most Of Cyber Monday

While Black Friday is perhaps the most famous day for shopping all around the world, Cyber Monday is the big day for online retailers, especially if you’re into tech. Cyber Monday falls on the last Monday of November, the Monday after Black Friday.


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A Short History

Cyber Monday became prominent in the early 2000s when American analytics companies noticed an uptick in online sales on the first Monday after Thanksgiving. After a bit of research, they came to the conclusion that many people had returned to work after a long weekend of celebrating Thanksgiving and were now using the high-speed internet connections at work to find some final sales. Remember, this was the early noughties, so home internet connections were slower, which meant mass online shopping wasn’t as common as today.

Once retailers realised that the Black Friday hype was continuing through to the next week, they decided to take advantage of that by slashing even more prices to draw in even more customers which, in turn, allowed everyone else to take advantage of low prices for longer. And thus, Cyber Monday was born.

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Tips For You

If you really want to get the most bang for your buck, you need to do some research ahead of time. Here’s how you can make the most of Cyber Monday and save even more cash.

- Make a note of your favourite stores and when their Black Friday sales are running. Even if a store doesn’t officially acknowledge Cyber Monday in their social posts or around their site, their Black Friday sales will often still run over Cyber Monday. If somewhere does launch a specific Cyber Monday sale, then you know you’ve hit the jackpot! Cyber Monday is definitely included here at The Range!

- Know what you want to buy ahead of time. If you’re going around town on Black Friday and spot some goodies that are too large to take back home, then Cyber Monday is the perfect day to order them. Make sure you write down what it is you want, the store it's in, and any other info that will make it easy to find.

- Check out tech stores. Historically, Cyber Monday has been a huge day for the technology industry, and so here is where you’re likely to find the best new deals—been wanting a new phone, laptop, TV, or smartwatch? Cyber Monday is the day to get it!


Want to grab some fab deals on some amazing items? Check out our Black Friday sale. We’ve got some awesome offers across pretty much all our departments, including on furniture, inflatable spas, pet care, and even Christmas decorations. Want to learn more about our Black Friday event? Make sure you flick through our leaflet and check out some of our stand-out deals.

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